Wittbrodt lab Curriculum Vitae

Academic curriculum vitae


Offer directorship Max F Perutz Laboratories, Vienna (declined)
since 2012
full focus on COS Heidelberg
2010 to 2014
founding and managing director of COS Heidelberg
2007 to 2012
at Heidelberg University and KIT
Offer for full Professorship at Heidelberg University, (accepted)
Offer for Directorship at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT, (accepted)
Offer for full Professorship at the University of Geneva, Switzerland, (declined)
1999 to 2009
Group leader at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, EMBL Heidelberg, Developmental Biology Unit and Cell Biology and Biophysics Unit
Habilitation in Developmental Genetics and Cell Biology, University of Braunschweig
1995 to 1998
Junior Group Leader, SFB 271, MPI for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen

Coordinating functions


since 10/2019
Elected Dean, Faculty of Biosciences, Heidelberg University
since 11/2018
Elected vice dean for research, Faculty of Biosciences, Heidelberg University
since 2017
Co-speaker of the thrust C3 in the Cluster of Excellence 3DMM2O (funded in 2018, German excellence initiative)
2015 to 2019
Elected Director of HBIGS, the Heidelberg Biosciences international Graduate School
2014 to 2016
Elected deputy managing director of COS
2010 to 2014
Founding and managing director of the newly established Centre for Organismal Studies, COS, Heidelberg (40 PIs)
2010 to present
Member of the executive committee of the collaborative research center SFB 873 "Maintenance and differentiation of stem cells in development and disease"
2012 to 2013
President of the German Society for Developmental Biology (GfE: Gesellschaft für Entwicklungsbiologie)
2008 to 2012
Topic speaker in the BioInterfaces trans-disciplinary research program at KIT
2008 to 2011
Elected member of the DFG study section "Basic Biological and Medical Research"
2008 to 2011
Founder and dean of graduate studies at the BioInterfaces International Graduate School (BIfIGS) for trans-disciplinary research at KIT
2007 to present
Member of the steering committee of HBIGS,the Heidelberg international graduate school for life sciences
2007 to 2012
Chairman and coordinator of the collaborative research center SFB 488 "Molecular and cellular bases of neural development" (21 PIs)
2006 to 2009
Member of the executive committee of the Network of Excellence MAIN
2004 to 2007
Elected member of the DFG study section "Basic Biological and Medical Research"
2002 to 2004
Coordinator of the HFSP grant "Lens-retina interactions"
2001 to present
Founding Member of the Executive Committee of the Medaka Genome Initiative



Special Price of Heidelberg University for exceptional research
ERC Synergy Grant (together with E. Birney) of the European research council
Special Price of Heidelberg University for exceptional research
ERC advanced grant of the European research council
Lautenschläger Award at Heidelberg University
Otto Mangold award of the German Society for Developmental Biology
HMLS award of the Heidelberg Molecular Life Sciences panel