Timeline Evolution
The Zoological Collection of Heidelberg University
The exhibition Timeline Evolution addresses the history of life and guides you to current topics of biological research. Life on Earth began with simple forms of life, in which the building instructions were provided by DNA, and structure and metabolism were produced by simple protein networks. From these primordial cells all other cells developed, and from the latter multicellular organisms arose. For animals, this path is traced here using the unique treasures of the Heidelberg Zoological Collection, some of which are over 200 years old yet are now put into the context of current research. Everyone - from schoolchildren and community members to students and scientists — is invited to follow the path of the development of life on Earth through the Timeline Evolution!
Location: Im Neuenheimer Feld 231
Opening hours: Monday to Friday (except holidays) 8:00 - 18:00
Entrance: Free of fee