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COS Postdocs

Welcome Postdocs! In this space you will find useful information to start your postdoc journey at COS. We will also post the dates for upcoming COS Postdoc meetings.

Who are we? We are the Postdoc representatives at COS. Feel free to contact us for any issues related to postdoc activities.

contact: postdoc@cos.uni-heidelberg.de

Postdoc Representatives at COS

Dr. Karel Lea Marie Mocaer

Phone: +49 6221 54-96046

Mail: karel.mocaer@cos.uni-heidelberg.de

I am currently a postdoctoral researcher in the Jékély lab, where I aim to reconstruct a connectome and study the visual circuit of a marine Platyhelminth.

As a postdoc representative, I am committed to bringing postdoctoral researchers together to create a community, share expertise and progress towards their future career steps.

Karel Mocaer

Dr. Tomás María Tessi

Phone: +49 6221 54-6488

Mail: tomas.tessi@cos.uni-heidelberg.de 

I am currently a postdoctoral researcher in the Maizel lab, where I study the integration of stress and gene silencing in plant development.

As a postdoc representative, I am especially dedicated to supporting early-career researchers (ECRs) with families in navigating the demands of academia. I am also committed to making a broad range of resources and opportunities accessible to ECRs to help them confidently take the next steps in their careers.

Tomas Tessi

Last update: November 2024