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Dr. Frank Bergmann Python Course (SS 2017)

The python course will take place from July 10th-14th, in Seminar Room 42 at the BioQuant. We start Monday morning at 10am.

In this course I will introduce you to Python, a powerful scripting language that is available across all operating systems. Python is easy to learn and can be used for simple scripting tasks, or for creating full featured applications or web sites. We will start from the very beginnings so no prior knowledge of programming will be expected. This is going to be a hands-on course, so don't forget to bring your laptop.

This year we will be using the anaconda system. To safe you time during the workshop, please install a copy of anaconda for Python 2.7 onto your laptop. You can get this download directly from the anaconda website.



  • Day 1: Python Basics, control flow structures, functions
  • Day 2: Strings, Lists, Dictionaries, Decorators, Classes
  • Day 3: inheritence, file io, functional aspects of python, modules
  • Day 4: Numpy / SciPy / MatPlotLib
  • Day 5: Python in computational & systems biology: SBML, COPASI