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Strahl lab Publications


Alves I, Santos-Pereira B, Dalebout H, Santos S, Vicente MM, Campar A, Thepaut M, Fieschi F, Strahl S, Boyaval F, Vizcaíno R, Silva R, Holst-Bernal S, Vasconcelos C, Santos L, Wuhrer M, Marinho A, Heijs B, Pinho SS. (2021) Protein mannosylation as a diagnostic and prognostic biomarker of lupus nephritis: an unusual glycan-neoepitope in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2021 Nov;73(11):2069-2077. doi: 10.1002/art.41768. Queiroz MG, Elsztein C, Strahl S, de Morais Junior MA. (2021) The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ncw2 protein works on the chitin/β-glucan organisation of the cell wall. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek. 114:1141. doi: 10.1007/s10482-021-01584-w. PMID: 33945065 Noor SI, Hoffmann M, Rinis N, Bartels MF, Winterhalter PR, Hoelscher C, Hennig R, Himmelreich N, Thiel C, Ruppert T, Rapp E, Strahl S. (2021) Glycosyltransferase POMGNT1 deficiency strengthens N-cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion. J Biol Chem. 296:100433. doi:



Chiapparino A, Grbavac A, Jonker HR, Hackmann Y, Mortensen S, Zatorska E, Schott A, Stier G, Saxena K, Wild K, Schwalbe H, Strahl S, Sinning I. (2020) Functional implications of MIR domains in protein O-mannosylation. Elife 9:e61189. doi:


Görlacher M, Panagiotou E, Himmelreich N, Hüllen A, Beedgen L, Dimitrov B, Geiger V, Zielonka M, Peters V, Strahl S, Vázquez-Jiménez J, Kerst G, Thiel C. (2020) Fatal outcome after heart surgery in PMM2-CDG due to a rare homozygous gene variant with double effects. Mol Genet Metab Rep. 25:100673. doi: 10.1016/j.ymgmr.2020.100673. PMID: 33209585


Castells-Ballester J, Rinis N, Kotan I, Gal L, Bausewein D, Kats I, Zatorska E, Kramer G, Bukau B, Schuldiner M, Strahl S. (2019) Translational Regulation of Pmt1 and Pmt2 by Bfr1 Affects Unfolded Protein O-Mannosylation. Int J Mol Sci. 20(24):6220. doi:



Castells-Ballester J, Zatorska E, Meurer M, Neubert P, Metschies A, Knop M, Strahl S. (2018) Monitoring Protein Dynamics in Protein O-Mannosyltransferase Mutants In Vivo by Tandem Fluorescent Protein Timers. Molecules. 23(10):2622. doi:


Dimitrov B, Himmelreich N, Hipgrave Ederveen AL, Lüchtenborg C, Okun JG, Breuer M, Hutter AM, Carl M, Guglielmi L, Hellwig A, Thiemann KC, Jost M, Peters V, Staufner C, Hoffmann GF, Hackenberg A, Paramasivam N, Wiemann S, Eils R, Schlesner M, Strahl S, Brügger B, Wuhrer M, Christoph Korenke G, Thiel C. (2018) Cutis laxa, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency and altered cellular metabolomics as additional symptoms in a new patient with ATP6AP1-CDG. Mol Genet Metab. 123(3):364-374.



Zatorska E, Gal L, Schmitt J, Bausewein D, Schuldiner M, Strahl S. (2017) Cellular Consequences of Diminished Protein O-Mannosyltransferase Activity in Baker's Yeast. Int J Mol Sci. 18(6). pii: E1226. doi:


Yu J, Grant OC, Pett C, Strahl S, Woods RJ, Westerlind U. (2017). Induction of Antibodies Directed Against Branched Core O-Mannosyl Glycopeptides-Selectivity Complimentary to the ConA Lectin. Chemistry. 23(14):3466-3473 (ISSN: 1521-3765) doi:



Bartels MF, Winterhalter PR, Yu J, Liu Y, Lommel M, Möhrlen F, Hu H, Feizi T, Westerlind U, Ruppert T, Strahl S. (2016). Protein O-Mannosylation in the Murine Brain: Occurrence of Mono-O-Mannosyl Glycans and Identification of New Substrates. PLoS One. 11(11):e0166119. doi:


Bausewein D, Engel J, Jank T, Schoedl M, Strahl S. (2016). Functional Similarities between the Protein O-Mannosyltransferases Pmt4 from Bakers' Yeast and Human POMT1. J Biol Chem. 291(34):18006-15. Carvalho S, Oliveira T, Bartels MF, Miyoshi E, Pierce M, Taniguchi N, Carneiro F, Seruca R, Reis CA, Strahl S, Pinho SS (2016) O-mannosylation and N-glycosylation: two coordinated mechanisms regulating the tumour suppressor functions of E-cadherin in cancer. Oncotarget 7(40):65231-65246. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.11245. Neubert P and Strahl S. (2016) Protein O-mannosylation in the early secretory pathway. Curr Opin Cell Biol. 41:100-8. doi:


Review. Neubert, P, Halim, A, Zauser, M, Essig, A, Joshi, HJ, Zatorska, E, Larsen, IS, Loibl, M, Castells-Ballester, J, Aebi, M, Clausen, H and Strahl, S (2016). Mapping the O-Mannose Glycoproteome in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mol Cell Proteomics. 15,1323-37.


Ragni E, Lommel M, Moro M, Crosti M, Lavazza C, Parazzi V, Saredi S, Strahl S, Lazzari L. (2015). Protein O-mannosylation is crucial for human mesencyhmal stem cells fate. Cell Mol Life Sci. 73(2):445-58. Halim A, Larsen IS, Neubert P, Joshi HJ, Petersen BL, Vakhrushev SY, Strahl S, Clausen H. (2015) Discovery of a nucleocytoplasmic O-mannose glycoproteome in yeast. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A112:15648-53.


Winterhalter PR, Ruppert T, Strahl S. (2014) Identification of Mammalian O-Mannosylated Glycopeptides. N. Taniguch et al. (eds) Glycoscience: Biology and Medicine, DOI 10.1007/978-4-431-54836-2_66-1 Loibl M, Wunderle L, Hutzler J, Schulz BL, Aebi M, Strahl S. (2014). Protein O-mannosyltransferases associate with the translocon to modify translocating polypeptide chains. J Biol Chem. 289(12):8599-611.


Lommel M, Winterhalter PR, Willer T, Dahlhoff M, Schneider MR, Bartels MF, Renner-Müller I, Ruppert T, Wolf E, Strahl S. (2013). Protein O-mannosylation is crucial for E-cadherin-mediated cell adhesion. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 110(52):21024-9. Winterhalter PR, Lommel M, Ruppert T, Strahl S. (2013). O-glycosylation of the non-canonical T-cadherin from rabbit skeletal muscle by single mannose residues. FEBS Lett. 587(22):3715-21. Loibl M, Strahl S. (2013). Protein O-mannosylation: what we have learned from baker's yeast. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1833(11):2438-46. Loibl M, Strahl S. (2013). Photoaffinity labeling of protein O-mannosyltransferases of the PMT1/PMT2 subfamily. Methods Mol Biol. 1022:107-17.


Willer T, Lee H, Lommel M, Yoshida-Moriguchi T, de Bernabe DB, Venzke D, Cirak S, Schachter H, Vajsar J, Voit T, Muntoni F, Loder AS, Dobyns WB, Winder TL, Strahl S, Mathews KD, Nelson SF, Moore SA, Campbell KP. (2012). ISPD loss-of-function mutations disrupt dystroglycan O-mannosylation and cause Walker-Warburg syndrome. Nat Genet. 44(5):575-80.


Lommel M, Schott A, Jank T, Hofmann V, Strahl S. (2011). A conserved acidic motif is crucial for enzymatic activity of protein O-mannosyltransferases. J Biol Chem. 286(46):39768-75. Arroyo J, Hutzler J, Bermejo C, Ragni E, García-Cantalejo J, Botías P, Piberger H, Schott A, Sanz AB, Strahl S. (2011). Functional and genomic analyses of blocked protein O-mannosylation in baker's yeast. Mol Microbiol. 79(6):1529-46. Ragni E, Piberger H, Neupert C, García-Cantalejo J, Popolo L, Arroyo J, Aebi M, Strahl S. (2011). The genetic interaction network of CCW12, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene required for cell wall integrity during budding and formation of mating projections. BMC Genomics. 12:107. Schott A, Strahl S. (2011) Methods to study stromal-cell derived factor 2 in the context of ER stress and the unfolded protein response in Arabidopsis thaliana. Methods Enzymol. 490:295-319.


Lommel M, Willer T, Cruces J, Strahl S. (2010). POMT1 is essential for protein O-mannosylation in mammals. Methods Enzymol. 2010;479:323-42. Schott A, Ravaud S, Keller S, Radzimanowski J, Viotti C, Hillmer S, Sinning I, Strahl S. (2010). Arabidopsis stromal-derived Factor2 (SDF2) is a crucial target of the unfolded protein response in the endoplasmic reticulum. J Biol Chem. 285(23):18113-21. Lommel M, Cirak S, Willer T, Hermann R, Uyanik G, van Bokhoven H, Körner C, Voit T, Bari? I, Hehr U, Strahl S. (2010). Correlation of enzyme activity and clinical phenotype in POMT1-associated dystroglycanopathies. Neurology. 74(2):157-64.


Radzimanowski J, Ravaud S, Schott A, Strahl S, Sinning I. (2009). Cloning, recombinant production, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of SDF2-like protein from Arabidopsis thaliana. Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun. 66(Pt 1):12-4. Lommel M, Strahl S. (2009). Protein O-mannosylation: conserved from bacteria to humans. Glycobiology. 19(8):816-28.


Lommel M, Willer T, Strahl S. (2008). POMT2, a key enzyme in Walker-Warburg syndrome: somatic sPOMT2, but not testis-specific tPOMT2, is crucial for mannosyltransferase activity in vivo. Glycobiology. 18(8):615-25. Hutzler F, Gerstl R, Lommel M, Strahl S. (2008). Protein N-glycosylation determines functionality of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell wall integrity sensor Mid2p. Mol Microbiol. 68(6):1438-49.


Hutzler J, Schmid M, Bernard T, Henrissat B, Strahl S. (2007). Membrane association is a determinant for substrate recognition by PMT4 protein O-mannosyltransferases. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 104(19):7827-32. Ragni E, Sipiczki M, Strahl S. (2007). Characterization of Ccw12p, a major key player in cell wall stability of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast. 24(4):309-19.

2006 and older:

Lehle L, Strahl S, Tanner W. (2006). Protein glycosylation, conserved from yeast to man: a model organism helps elucidate congenital human diseases. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 45(41):6802-18. Willer T, Brandl M, Sipiczki M, Strahl S. (2005). Protein O-mannosylation is crucial for cell wall integrity, septation and viability in fission yeast. Mol Microbiol. 57(1):156-70. Sestak S, Hagen I, Tanner W, Strahl S. (2004). Scw10p, a cell-wall glucanase/transglucosidase important for cell-wall stability in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Microbiology. 150(Pt 10):3197-208. Willer T, Prados B, Falcón-Pérez JM, Renner-Müller I, Przemeck GK, Lommel M, Coloma A, Valero MC, de Angelis MH, Tanner W, Wolf E, Strahl S, Cruces J. (2004). Targeted disruption of the Walker-Warburg syndrome gene Pomt1 in mouse results in embryonic lethality. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 101(39):14126-31. Hagen I, Ecker M, Lagorce A, Francois JM, Sestak S, Rachel R, Grossmann G, Hauser NC, Hoheisel JD, Tanner W, Strahl S. (2004). Sed1p and Srl1p are required to compensate for cell wall instability in Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants defective in multiple GPI-anchored mannoproteins. Mol Microbiol. 52(5):1413-25. Lommel M, Bagnat M, Strahl S. (2004). Aberrant processing of the WSC family and Mid2p cell surface sensors results in cell death of Saccharomyces cerevisiae O-mannosylation mutants. Mol Cell Biol. 24(1):46-57. Willer T, Valero MC, Tanner W, Cruces J, Strahl S. (2003). O-mannosyl glycans: from yeast to novel associations with human disease. Curr Opin Struct Biol. 13(5):621-30. Ecker M, Mrsa V, Hagen I, Deutzmann R, Strahl S, Tanner W. (2003). O-mannosylation precedes and potentially controls the N-glycosylation of a yeast cell wall glycoprotein. EMBO Rep. 4(6):628-32. Girrbach V, Strahl S. (2003). Members of the evolutionarily conserved PMT family of protein O-mannosyltransferases form distinct protein complexes among themselves. J Biol Chem. 278(14):12554-62. Girrbach V, Zeller T, Priesmeier M, Strahl-Bolsinger S. (2000). Structure-function analysis of the dolichyl phosphate-mannose: protein O-mannosyltransferase ScPmt1p. J Biol Chem. 275(25):19288-96. Mrsa V, Ecker M, Strahl-Bolsinger S, Nimtz M, Lehle L, Tanner W. (1999). Deletion of new covalently linked cell wall glycoproteins alters the electrophoretic mobility of phosphorylated wall components of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J Bacteriol. 181(10):3076-86. Strahl-Bolsinger S, Scheinost A. (1999). Transmembrane topology of pmt1p, a member of an evolutionarily conserved family of protein O-mannosyltransferases. J Biol Chem. 274(13):9068-75. Strahl-Bolsinger S, Gentzsch M, Tanner W. (1999). Protein O-mannosylation. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1426(2):297-307. Strahl-Bolsinger S, Hecht A, Luo K, Grunstein M. (1997). SIR2 and SIR4 interactions differ in core and extended telomeric heterochromatin in yeast. Genes Dev. 11(1):83-93. Hecht A, Strahl-Bolsinger S, Grunstein M. (1996). Spreading of transcriptional repressor SIR3 from telomeric heterochromatin. Nature. 383(6595):92-6. Hecht A, Laroche T, Strahl-Bolsinger S, Gasser SM, Grunstein M. (1995). Histone H3 and H4 N-termini interact with SIR3 and SIR4 proteins: a molecular model for the formation of heterochromatin in yeast. Cell. 80(4):583-92. Grunstein M, Hecht A, Fisher-Adams G, Wan J, Mann RK, Strahl-Bolsinger S, Laroche T, Gasser S. ( 1995). The regulation of euchromatin and heterochromatin by histones in yeast. J Cell Sci Suppl. 1995;19:29-36. Gentzsch M, Strahl-Bolsinger S, Tanner W. (1995). A new Dol-P-Man:protein O-D-mannosyltransferase activity from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Glycobiology. 5(1):77-82. Tanner W, Gentzsch M, Immervoll T, Scheinost A, Strahl-Bolsinger S. (1995). Fungal glycoproteins and their biosynthetic pathway as potential targets for antifungal agents. 7. Acta Biochim Pol. 1995;42(4):505-8. Strahl-Bolsinger S, Immervoll T, Deutzmann R, Tanner W. (1993). PMT1, the gene for a key enzyme of protein O-glycosylation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 90(17):8164-8. Strahl-Bolsinger S, Tanner W. (1993). A yeast gene encoding a putative RNA helicase of the "DEAD"-box family. Yeast. 9(4):429-32. Strahl-Bolsinger S, Tanner W. (1991). Protein O-glycosylation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Purification and characterization of the dolichyl-phosphate-D-mannose-protein O-D-mannosyltransferase. Eur J Biochem. 196(1):185-90.