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Frings lab Collaboration and funding

DFG Priority Programm “Integrative analysis of olfaction”

A federal research program on olfactory physiology. A total of 37 research groups, organized in 16 "tandems", work on neurophysiological questioons of olfaction in arthropods and vertebrates. In our "tandem", we examine together with Prof. Frank Müller from the Jülich Research Center the influence of the trigeminal system on the olfactory system.

Institute of Complex Systems - Section Cellular Biophysics (ICS4), Jülich Research Center
Twophoton fluorescence lifetime microscopy for the determination of intracellular ion concentrations. (Dr. Thomas Gensch)
Influence of the trigeminal system on the olfactory system. (Prof. Frank Müller)

Department of Otorhinolaryngology, University of Dresden Medical School

Cognitive effects on odour perception that are caused by irritant co-stimulation (Prof. Thomas Hummel)

Institute for Toxicology and Genetics, Karlsruhe Research Center
High-throughput screening assay for the identification of unknown ion channels. (Dr. Urban Liebel)

German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg
Protein-Protein Interaction, Analytical Ultracenrifugation. (Dr. Norbert Mücke)

Department of Molecular Biophysics, TU Kaiserslautern

Protein-Protein Interaction, CD-Spectroscopy. (Jun. Prof. Sandro Keller)