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Frings lab Publications

  • Genovese, F., Bauersachs, H.G., Gräßer, I., Kupke, J., Magin, L., Daiber, P., Nakajima, J., Möhrlen, F., Messlinger, K., Frings, S. (2017) Possible role of calcitonin gene-related peptide in trigeminal modulation of glomerular microcircuits of the rodent olfactory bulb. European Journal of Neuroscience   45: 587-600   
  • Frings, S. (2016) Smelling better with chloride Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA   113: 11063-11065
  • Genovese, F., Thews, M., Möhrlen, F., Frings, S. (2016) Properties of an optogenetic model for olfactory stimulation Journal of Physiology   595: 3501-3516   
  • Zhang, W., Schmelzeisen, S., Parthier, D., Frings, S., Möhrlen, F. (2015) Anoctamin calcium-activated chloride channels may modulate inhibitory transmission in the cerebellar cortex PLOS ONE 10(11):e014216       Open Access
  • Vocke, K., Dauner, K., Hahn, A., Ulbrich, A., Broecker, J., Keller, S., Frings, S., Möhrlen, F. (2013)
  • Calmodulin-dependent activation and inactivation of anoctamin calcium-gated chloride channels.
  • Journal of General Physiology    142: 381-404.   
  • Dauner, K., Möbus, C., Frings, S., Möhrlen, F. (2013) Targeted expression of anoctamin calcium-activated chloride channels in rod photoreceptor terminals of the rodent retina Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science    54: 3126-3136.   
  • Daiber, P., Genovese, F., Schriever, V., Hummel, T., Möhrlen, F., Frings, S. (2013) Neuropeptide receptors provide a signalling pathway for trigeminal modulation of olfactory transduction European Journal of Neuroscience   37: 572-582   
  • Frings, S. (2012) Basic mechanisms in sensory systems. in: Sensory perception - Mind and Matter, Barth, F.G., Giampieri-Deutsch, P., Klein, H.-D. edts. Springer Wien, pp. 3-21.
  • Daiber P, Genovese F, Schriever VA, Hummel T, Möhrlen F, Frings S. (2012). Neuropeptide receptors provide a signalling pathway for trigeminal modulation of olfactory transduction. Eur J Neurosci. 37(4):572-82.
  • Frings S. (2012). Primary processes in sensory cells: current advances. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2012;739:32-58.
  • Dauner K, Lissmann J, Jeridi S, Frings S, Möhrlen F. (2012). Expression patterns of anoctamin 1 and anoctamin 2 chloride channels in the mammalian nose. Cell Tissue Res. 347(2):327-41.
  • Ungerer N, Mücke N, Broecker J, Keller S, Frings S, Möhrlen F. (2011). Distinct binding properties distinguish LQ-type calmodulin-binding domains in cyclic nucleotide-gated channels. Biochemistry. 50(15):3221-8.
  • Frings S. (2010). The sour taste of a proton current. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 107(51):21955-6.
  • Hengl T, Kaneko H, Dauner K, Vocke K, Frings S, Möhrlen F. (2010). Molecular components of signal amplification in olfactory sensory cilia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 107(13):6052-7.
  • Waldeck C, Vocke K, Ungerer N, Frings S, Möhrlen F. (2009). Activation and desensitization of the olfactory cAMP-gated transduction channel: identification of functional modules. J Gen Physiol. 134(5):397-408.
  • Klimmeck D, Daiber PC, Brühl A, Baumann A, Frings S, Möhrlen F. (2009). Bestrophin 2: an anion channel associated with neurogenesis in chemosensory systems. J Comp Neurol. 515(5):585-99.
  • Mayer U, Küller A, Daiber PC, Neudorf I, Warnken U, Schnölzer M, Frings S, Möhrlen F. (2009). The proteome of rat olfactory sensory cilia. Proteomics. 9(2):322-34.
  • Frings S. (2008). Primary processes in sensory cells: current advances. J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol. 195(1):1-19.
  • Funk K, Woitecki A, Franjic-Würtz C, Gensch T, Möhrlen F, Frings S. (2008). Modulation of chloride homeostasis by inflammatory mediators in dorsal root ganglion neurons. Mol Pain. 4:32.
  • Klimmeck D, Mayer U, Ungerer N, Warnken U, Schnölzer M, Frings S, Möhrlen F. (2007). Calcium-signaling networks in olfactory receptor neurons. Neuroscience. 151(3):901-12.
  • Mayer U, Ungerer N, Klimmeck D, Warnken U, Schnölzer M, Frings S, Möhrlen F. (2007). Proteomic analysis of a membrane preparation from rat olfactory sensory cilia. Chem Senses. 33(2):145-62.
  • Gilbert D, Franjic-Würtz C, Funk K, Gensch T, Frings S, Möhrlen F. (2007). Differential maturation of chloride homeostasis in primary afferent neurons of the somatosensory system. Int J Dev Neurosci. 25(7):479-89.
  • Gilbert D, Funk K, Dekowski B, Lechler R, Keller S, Möhrlen F, Frings S, Hagen V. (2007). Caged capsaicins: New tools for the examination of TRPV1 channels in somatosensory neurons. Chembiochem. 8(1):89-97.
  • Jach G, Pesch M, Richter K, Frings S, Uhrig JF. (2006). An improved mRFP1 adds red to bimolecular fluorescence complementation. Nat Methods. 3(8):597-600.
  • Kaneko H, Möhrlen F, Frings S. (2006). Calmodulin contributes to gating control in olfactory calcium-activated chloride channels. J Gen Physiol. 127(6):737-48.
  • Bradley J, Reisert J, Frings S. (2005). Regulation of cyclic nucleotide-gated channels. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 15(3):343-9.
  • Kruger W, Gilbert D, Hawthorne R, Hryciw DH, Frings S, Poronnik P, Lynch JW. (2005). A yellow fluorescent protein-based assay for high-throughput screening of glycine and GABAA receptor chloride channels. Neurosci Lett. 380(3):340-5.
  • Balfanz S, Strünker T, Frings S, Baumann A. (2005). A family of octopamine [corrected] receptors that specifically induce cyclic AMP production or Ca2+ release in Drosophila melanogaster. J Neurochem. 93(2):440-51.
  • Kaneko H, Putzier I, Frings S, Kaupp UB, Gensch T. (2004). Chloride accumulation in mammalian olfactory sensory neurons. J Neurosci. 24(36):7931-8.
  • Bradley J, Bönigk W, Yau KW, Frings S. (2004). Calmodulin permanently associates with rat olfactory CNG channels under native conditions. Nat Neurosci. 7(7):705-10.
  • Tewes M, Schleucher N, Achterrath W, Wilke HJ, Frings S, Seeber S, Harstrick A, Rustum YM, Vanhoefer U. (2003). Capecitabine and irinotecan as first-line chemotherapy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: results of an extended phase I study. Ann Oncol. 14(9):1442-8.
  • Reisert J, Bauer PJ, Yau KW, Frings S. (2003). The Ca-activated Cl channel and its control in rat olfactory receptor neurons. J Gen Physiol. 122(3):349-63.
  • Hagen V, Frings S, Wiesner B, Helm S, Kaupp UB, Bendig J. (2003). [7-(Dialkylamino)coumarin-4-yl]methyl-Caged Compounds as Ultrafast and Effective Long-Wavelength Phototriggers of 8-Bromo-Substituted Cyclic Nucleotides. Chembiochem. 4(5):434-42.
  • Hagen V, Frings S, Bendig J, Lorenz D, Wiesner B, Kaupp UB. (2002). Fluorescence spectroscopic quantification of the release of cyclic nucleotides from photocleavable [bis(carboxymethoxy)coumarin-4-yl]methyl esters inside cells. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 41(19):3625-8, 3516.
  • Dunst J, Reese T, Sutter T, Zühlke H, Hinke A, Kölling-Schlebusch K, Frings S. (2002). Phase I trial evaluating the concurrent combination of radiotherapy and capecitabine in rectal cancer. J Clin Oncol. 20(19):3983-91.
  • Bradley J, Frings S, Yau KW, Reed R. (2001). Nomenclature for ion channel subunits. Science. 294(5549):2095-6.
  • Bradley J, Reuter D, Frings S. (2001). Facilitation of calmodulin-mediated odor adaptation by cAMP-gated channel subunits. Science. 294(5549):2176-8.
  • Frings S. (2001). Chemoelectrical signal transduction in olfactory sensory neurons of air-breathing vertebrates. Cell Mol Life Sci. 58(4):510-9.
  • Hagen V, Bendig J, Frings S, Eckardt T, Helm S, Reuter D, Kaupp UB. (2001). Highly Efficient and Ultrafast Phototriggers for cAMP and cGMP by Using Long-Wavelength UV/Vis-Activation This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, the European Union, and the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie. We thank B. Dekowski and J. Loßmann for technical assistance and S. Hecht for proof reading. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 40(6):1045-1048.
  • Ohyama T, Hackos DH, Frings S, Hagen V, Kaupp UB, Korenbrot JI. (2000). Fraction of the dark current carried by Ca(2+) through cGMP-gated ion channels of intact rod and cone photoreceptors. J Gen Physiol. 116(6):735-54.
  • Mould JA, Drury JE, Frings SM, Kaupp UB, Pekosz A, Lamb RA, Pinto LH. (2000). Permeation and activation of the M2 ion channel of influenza A virus. J Biol Chem. 275(40):31038-50.
  • Frings S, Hackos DH, Dzeja C, Ohyama T, Hagen V, Kaupp UB, Korenbrot JI. ( 38. Methods Enzymol. 2000;315:797-817. ). Determination of fractional calcium ion current in cyclic nucleotide-gated channels. 38. Methods Enzymol. 2000;315:797-817.
  • Hagen V, Bendig J, Frings S, Wiesner B, Schade B, Helm S, Lorenz D, Kaupp UB. (1999). Synthesis, photochemistry and application of (7-methoxycoumarin-4-yl)methyl-caged 8-bromoadenosine cyclic 3',5'-monophosphate and 8-bromoguanosine cyclic 3',5'-monophosphate photolyzed in the nanosecond time region. J Photochem Photobiol B. 53(1-3):91-102.
  • Frings S, Reuter D, Kleene SJ. (2000). Neuronal Ca2+ -activated Cl- channels--homing in on an elusive channel species. Prog Neurobiol. 60(3):247-89.
  • Bönigk W, Bradley J, Müller F, Sesti F, Boekhoff I, Ronnett GV, Kaupp UB, Frings S. (1999). The native rat olfactory cyclic nucleotide-gated channel is composed of three distinct subunits. J Neurosci. 19(13):5332-47.
  • Frings S. (1999). Tuning Ca2+ permeation in cyclic nucleotide-gated channels. J Gen Physiol. 113(6):795-8.
  • Dzeja C, Hagen V, Kaupp UB, Frings S. (1999). Ca2+ permeation in cyclic nucleotide-gated channels. EMBO J. 18(1):131-44.
  • Reuter D, Zierold K, Schröder WH, Frings S. (1998). A depolarizing chloride current contributes to chemoelectrical transduction in olfactory sensory neurons in situ. J Neurosci. 18(17):6623-30.
  • Kaupp UB, Dzeja C, Frings S, Bendig J, Hagen V. ( 45. Methods Enzymol. 1998;291:415-30. ). Applications of caged compounds of hydrolysis-resistant analogs of cAMP and cGMP. 45. Methods Enzymol. 1998;291:415-30.
  • Frings S, Brüll N, Dzeja C, Angele A, Hagen V, Kaupp UB, Baumann A. (1998). Characterization of ether-à-go-go channels present in photoreceptors reveals similarity to IKx, a K+ current in rod inner segments. J Gen Physiol. 111(4):583-99.
  • Müller F, Bönigk W, Sesti F, Frings S. (1998). Phosphorylation of mammalian olfactory cyclic nucleotide-gated channels increases ligand sensitivity. J Neurosci. 18(1):164-73.
  • Frings S. ( 48. Adv Second Messenger Phosphoprotein Res. 1997;31:75-82. ). Cyclic nucleotide-gated channels and calcium: an intimate relation. 48. Adv Second Messenger Phosphoprotein Res. 1997;31:75-82.
  • Hagen V, Dzeja C, Frings S, Bendig J, Krause E, Kaupp UB. (1996). Caged compounds of hydrolysis-resistant analogues of cAMP and cGMP: synthesis and application to cyclic nucleotide-gated channels. Biochemistry. 35(24):7762-71.
  • Frings S, Seifert R, Godde M, Kaupp UB. (1995). Profoundly different calcium permeation and blockage determine the specific function of distinct cyclic nucleotide-gated channels. Neuron. 15(1):169-79.
  • Baumann A, Frings S, Godde M, Seifert R, Kaupp UB. (1994). Primary structure and functional expression of a Drosophila cyclic nucleotide-gated channel present in eyes and antennae. EMBO J. 13(21):5040-50.
  • Weyand I, Godde M, Frings S, Weiner J, Müller F, Altenhofen W, Hatt H, Kaupp UB. (1994). Cloning and functional expression of a cyclic-nucleotide-gated channel from mammalian sperm. Nature. 368(6474):859-63.
  • Frings S. (1993). Protein kinase C sensitizes olfactory adenylate cyclase. J Gen Physiol. 101(2):183-205.
  • Frings S, Lynch JW, Lindemann B. (1992). Properties of cyclic nucleotide-gated channels mediating olfactory transduction. Activation, selectivity, and blockage. J Gen Physiol. 100(1):45-67.
  • Frings S, Benz S, Lindemann B. (1991). Current recording from sensory cilia of olfactory receptor cells in situ. II. Role of mucosal Na+, K+, and Ca2+ ions. J Gen Physiol. 97(4):725-47.
  • Frings S, Lindemann B. (1991). Current recording from sensory cilia of olfactory receptor cells in situ. I. The neuronal response to cyclic nucleotides. J Gen Physiol. 97(1):1-16.
  • Frings S, Lindemann B. (1990). Single unit recording from olfactory cilia. Biophys J. 57(5):1091-4.
  • Frings SM, Purves RD, Macknight AD. (1990). Ion channels in urinary bladder. Ren Physiol Biochem. 13(1-2):112-28.
  • Frings S, Purves RD, Macknight AD. (1988). Single-channel recordings from the apical membrane of the toad urinary bladder epithelial cell. J Membr Biol. 106(2):157-72.
  • Frings S, Lindemann B. (1988). Odorant response of isolated olfactory receptor cells is blocked by amiloride. J Membr Biol. 105(3):233-43.