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Arendt lab Publications

  • Marlow H(1), Tosches MA, Tomer R, Steinmetz PR, Lauri A, Larsson T, Arendt D. (2014). Larval body patterning and apical organs are conserved in animal evolution. BMC Biol. 12:7.
  • Tosches MA(1), Arendt D. (2013). The bilaterian forebrain: an evolutionary chimaera. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 23(6):1080-9.
  • Benito-Gutiérrez E(1), Weber H, Bryant DV, Arendt D. (2013). Methods for generating year-round access to amphioxus in the laboratory. PLoS One. 8(8):e71599.
  • Fischer AH(1), Arendt D. (2013). Mesoteloblast-like mesodermal stem cells in the polychaete annelid Platynereis dumerilii (Nereididae). J Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol. 320(2):94-104.
  • Simakov O(1), Marletaz F, Cho SJ, Edsinger-Gonzales E, Havlak P, Hellsten U, Kuo DH, Larsson T, Lv J, Arendt D, Savage R, Osoegawa K, de Jong P, Grimwood J, Chapman JA, Shapiro H, Aerts A, Otillar RP, Terry AY, Boore JL, Grigoriev IV, Lindberg DR, Seaver EC, Weisblat DA, Putnam NH, Rokhsar DS. (2012). Insights into bilaterian evolution from three spiralian genomes. Nature. 493(7433):526-31.
  • Simakov O(1), Larsson TA, Arendt D. (2012). Linking micro- and macro-evolution at the cell type level: a view from the lophotrochozoan Platynereis dumerilii. Brief Funct Genomics. 12(5):430-9.
  • Karsenti E(1), Acinas SG, Bork P, Bowler C, De Vargas C, Raes J, Sullivan M, Arendt D, Benzoni F, Claverie JM, Follows M, Gorsky G, Hingamp P, Iudicone D, Jaillon O, Kandels-Lewis S, Krzic U, Not F, Ogata H, Pesant S, Reynaud EG, Sardet C, Sieracki ME, Speich S, Velayoudon D, Weissenbach J, Wincker P; Tara Oceans Consortium. (2011). A holistic approach to marine eco-systems biology. PLoS Biol. 9(10):e1001177.
  • Steinmetz PR(1), Kostyuchenko RP, Fischer A, Arendt D. (2011). The segmental pattern of otx, gbx, and Hox genes in the annelid Platynereis dumerilii. Evol Dev. 13(1):72-9.
  • Fischer AH(1), Henrich T, Arendt D. (2010). The normal development of Platynereis dumerilii (Nereididae, Annelida). Front Zool. 7:31.
  • Tomer R(1), Denes AS, Tessmar-Raible K, Arendt D. (2010). Profiling by image registration reveals common origin of annelid mushroom bodies and vertebrate pallium. Cell. 142(5):800-9.
  • Copyright 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Christodoulou F(1), Raible F, Tomer R, Simakov O, Trachana K, Klaus S, Snyman H, Hannon GJ, Bork P, Arendt D. (2010). Ancient animal microRNAs and the evolution of tissue identity. Nature. 463(7284):1084-8.
  • Muller J(1), Creevey CJ, Thompson JD, Arendt D, Bork P. (2009). AQUA: automated quality improvement for multiple sequence alignments. Bioinformatics. 26(2):263-5.
  • Arendt D(1), Hausen H, Purschke G. (2009). The 'division of labour' model of eye evolution. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 364(1531):2809-17.
  • Benito-Gutiérrez E(1), Arendt D. (2009). CNS evolution: new insight from the mud. Curr Biol. 19(15):R640-2.
  • Jékely G(1), Colombelli J, Hausen H, Guy K, Stelzer E, Nédélec F, Arendt D. (2008). Mechanism of phototaxis in marine zooplankton. Nature. 456(7220):395-9.
  • Arendt D. (2008). The evolution of cell types in animals: emerging principles from molecular studies. Nat Rev Genet. 9(11):868-82.
  • Arendt D(1), Denes AS, Jékely G, Tessmar-Raible K. (2008). The evolution of nervous system centralization. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 363(1496):1523-8.
  • Haudry Y(1), Berube H, Letunic I, Weeber PD, Gagneur J, Girardot C, Kapushesky M, Arendt D, Bork P, Brazma A, Furlong EE, Wittbrodt J, Henrich T. (2007). 4DXpress: a database for cross-species expression pattern comparisons. Nucleic Acids Res. 36(Database issue):D847-53.
  • Jékely G(1), Arendt D. (2007). Cellular resolution expression profiling using confocal detection of NBT/BCIP precipitate by reflection microscopy. Biotechniques. 42(6):751-5.
  • Tessmar-Raible K(1), Raible F, Christodoulou F, Guy K, Rembold M, Hausen H, Arendt D. (2007). Conserved sensory-neurosecretory cell types in annelid and fish forebrain: insights into hypothalamus evolution. Cell. 129(7):1389-400.
  • Denes AS(1), Jékely G, Steinmetz PR, Raible F, Snyman H, Prud'homme B, Ferrier DE, Balavoine G, Arendt D. (2007). Molecular architecture of annelid nerve cord supports common origin of nervous system centralization in bilateria. Cell. 129(2):277-88.
  • Steinmetz PR(1), Zelada-Gonzáles F, Burgtorf C, Wittbrodt J, Arendt D. (2007). Polychaete trunk neuroectoderm converges and extends by mediolateral cell intercalation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 104(8):2727-32.
  • Raible F(1), Tessmar-Raible K, Arboleda E, Kaller T, Bork P, Arendt D, Arnone MI. (2006). Opsins and clusters of sensory G-protein-coupled receptors in the sea urchin genome. Dev Biol. 300(1):461-75.
  • Arendt D. (2005). Genes and homology in nervous system evolution: comparing gene functions, expression patterns, and cell type molecular fingerprints. Theory Biosci. 124(2):185-97.
  • Jékely G(1), Arendt D. (2006). Evolution of intraflagellar transport from coated vesicles and autogenous origin of the eukaryotic cilium. Bioessays. 28(2):191-8.
  • Raible F(1), Tessmar-Raible K, Osoegawa K, Wincker P, Jubin C, Balavoine G, Ferrier D, Benes V, de Jong P, Weissenbach J, Bork P, Arendt D. (2005). Vertebrate-type intron-rich genes in the marine annelid Platynereis dumerilii. Science. 310(5752):1325-6.
  • Tessmar-Raible K(1), Steinmetz PR, Snyman H, Hassel M, Arendt D. (2005). Fluorescent two-color whole mount in situ hybridization in Platynereis dumerilii (Polychaeta, Annelida), an emerging marine molecular model for evolution and development. Biotechniques. 39(4):460, 462, 464.
  • Tessmar-Raible K(1), Arendt D. (2004). New animal models for evolution and development. 28. Genome Biol. 2005;6(1):303.
  • Arendt D(1), Tessmar-Raible K, Snyman H, Dorresteijn AW, Wittbrodt J. (2004). Ciliary photoreceptors with a vertebrate-type opsin in an invertebrate brain. Science. 306(5697):869-71.
  • Raible F(1), Arendt D. (2004). Metazoan evolution: some animals are more equal than others. Curr Biol. 14(3):R106-8.
  • Arendt D. ( 31. Int J Dev Biol. 2003;47(7-8):563-71. ). Evolution of eyes and photoreceptor cell types. 31. Int J Dev Biol. 2003;47(7-8):563-71.
  • Arendt D. (2003). Spiralians in the limelight. 32. Genome Biol. 2003;5(1):303.
  • Tessmar-Raible K(1), Arendt D. (2003). Emerging systems: between vertebrates and arthropods, the Lophotrochozoa. Curr Opin Genet Dev. 13(4):331-40.
  • Arendt D(1), Tessmar K, de Campos-Baptista MI, Dorresteijn A, Wittbrodt J. (2002). Development of pigment-cup eyes in the polychaete Platynereis dumerilii and evolutionary conservation of larval eyes in Bilateria. Development. 129(5):1143-54.
  • Loosli F(1), Winkler S, Burgtorf C, Wurmbach E, Ansorge W, Henrich T, Grabher C, Arendt D, Carl M, Krone A, Grzebisz E, Wittbrodt J. (2001). Medaka eyeless is the key factor linking retinal determination and eye growth. Development. 128(20):4035-44.
  • Arendt D(1), Wittbrodt J. (2001). Reconstructing the eyes of Urbilateria. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 356(1414):1545-63.
  • Arendt D(1), Technau U, Wittbrodt J. (2001). Evolution of the bilaterian larval foregut. Nature. 409(6816):81-5.