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Core facilities Nikon Imaging Center
The Nikon Imaging Center (NIC@Uni-Heidelberg) is a core facility for light microscopy at the University of Heidelberg, developed in partnership with Nikon GmbH, Geschäftsbereich Mikroskopie and Nikon Instruments Europe B.V.
The Nikon Imaging Center (NIC @ Uni-Heidelberg) was inaugurated in 2005 and has since trained more than 1200 researchers. It is centrally located in the BioQuant on the Heidelberg life sciences campus. The NIC @ Uni-Heidelberg has a dedicated director, Dr. Ulrike Engel since 2005 and post-doctoral staff to support researchers in their experiments. It is part of two collaborative research centers (SFB 873 and SFB1324) and embedded in the Excellence Initiative of Heidelberg University.

- Promote innovation across a broad range of biological research fields by providing access to cutting edge microscopy and imaging equipment.
- Provide training in both basic and advanced light microscopy techniques.
- Serve as a learning hub for both scientists, as well as corporate partners and contributors.
- Develop new microscope setups and imaging techniques in dialogue with our users.