Vergangene Symposien COS-Symposium 2011
From Molecules to Living Systems

May 13, 2011 / Im Neuenheimer Feld 230 / COS Heidelberg
How are living organisms made up by molecular interactions?
This question was addressed during the inaugural 2011 Symposium. The question reflected the recent merging of the former University of Heidelberg Institutes of Zoology and Plant Sciences and the aim of the newly founded Centre for Organismal Studies: To understand the molecular mechanisms in the context of the entire organism. The speakers represented the various disciplines of the new research centre ranging from physiology and metabolism to cell biology and development, both in plants and animals.
Philip Benfey (North Carolina), Eddy de Robertis (California), Jiri Friml (Ghent), Oliver Hobert (New York), Elisa Izaurralde (Tübingen), Herbert Jäckle (Göttingen), Steve Kay (California), Pamela Soltis (Florida), Lothar Willmitzer (Potsdam)